Monday, 10 February 2014

Testicles Itches in Men and a Best Alternative Solution!!

Among all bacterial and viral human infections the Testicle Itch is very worst condition of all men. If you are a man and suffering from this condition you can’t scratch while in public places when peoples stand next to you, you have to bear that until you got a chance to scratch when no one is seeing you. You are very disturbed and you have severe itch and you want to scratch but you cannot scratch them because you have consideration to those in your company. Testicle itching gives severe discomfort and embarrassment scenario in the infected person.
There are several reasons of this infection. Scrotum itching is normally caused by fungal infection, allergies and particular pursuits.

·        Have You Got Phthirus Pubis?
If you have then you'll have to scratch your penis and scrotum sac every morning noon and during night. Oops, you don't know what Phthirus Pubis is? Phthirus Pubis is another name for pubic lice or crabs. Actually crabs feed on human blood which they generally suck from genital skin. Their bite can cause intense itching on your body. They mainly spread through sexual contact but can also be spread by many other ways. Stray lice can attach themselves to blankets, sheets, towels, and even with your clothes. Cream and soaps specially created to rid crabs do work, but if the pubic skin is badly infested then you need a parasitic cleans. It's hard to prevent itching if the groin area is crawling.
·        Genital Scabies
Scabies is actually caused by Sarcoptes scabiei vara a round body eight-legged bug that is less than 0.5 mm long. Symptoms of this infection include severe itching, which is a result of irritating secretions the itch mite shoots into the flesh.
·        Jock Itch (Tinea cruris)
This is the condition caused by Trichophyton Rubrum. This infection is also primarily responsible for causing athlete's foot. It may affect many females. Jock itch symptoms include severe itching, mainly in the testicles, rectum and inner thighs, along with red rash with scaly edges.
·        Yeast Infection:
Men with itchy testicles often suspected this type of infection being their problem, believing it to be a woman's thing, is not fair! Yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus Candida albicans. Symptoms are irritation, itching, burning, and pain in the groin.

·        Genital Warts
These are known to cause intense and painful itch. Bleeding may also occur. Warts often look flat or like cauliflower florets. They may appear singly or grouped. Warts may appear on the anus, but more often found in the penis and under the foreskin.
·        Psoriasis
The symptoms of this condition include red or pink patches of thickened skin covered with whitish scales which are itchy. Psoriasis is serious and very annoying; by scratching it can cause inflammation and cracks in the skin.
After all this you want a solution, but before this I want to share with you the result of recent research by the CDC, Center for Diseases Control. The research proved that many bacteria, parasites and fungus have the ability to resist many antibiotics by building a protein layer around their body.
Hulda Clark Zapper by ParaZapper is the best alternative solution to kill all kinds of microbes from water based environment.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa CT.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.
Please visit for more information.

ParaZapper products are available for research at

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sinus Fungus Deadly Disease & Hulda Clark Zapper

There are two types of sinusitis infections, acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis. Acutest is a short-term illness, but chronic is a long-term and repetitive sinusitis, which is dangerous and sometimes difficult to control.
Although sinus fungus is a suspect to cause repetitive sinus attacks, but the actual cause is largely unknown. However, recent studies by CDC (Center for Diseases Control) have shown that the condition often occurs: 
·         immunocompromised subjects
·         Diabetics
·         People suffering from asthma

Most diabetics and asthmatics also have allergies and are susceptible to fungus; researchers confirmed that these two conditions are linked. Many people who have symptoms of chronic sinusitis are also suffering from allergic fungal sinusitis.
Another study in 2007 carried out by the Mayo Clinic shows that, fungal infections of the sinuses are the main cause of chronic sinusitis.
The research by the Otorhinolaryngology Department of, Academic Medical Center shows that, the fungus is detected in the nose and paranasal sinuses of nearly all chronic sinus sufferers.
There are two types sinus fungus: 
1.     Invasive fungal sinus.
2.     Noninvasive fungal colonization.

This infection by Invasive fungal sinus can be broken down into two sub-groups
A) Acute Invasive Fungal Sinusitis 
Although this infection is rare, however the mortality rate of this illness is over 50%.
With acute invasive fungal sinusitis, sinus fungus actually grows into the tissues of your body lining the sinus cavities and then into the bone. In infected person bone or tissue and even the brain are affected within hours or days.
In order for the victim to survive after this disease, the symptoms must be recognized at an early stage and then the infected person must find the best option to kill the fungus. Later in this article I will suggest you a best choice to kill microbes.
The infected person adopt the best choice by which every particle of infected tissue and bone can be removed. Only after killing of this fungus the infected person can become out of danger.
B) Chronic invasive fungal sinusitis

This is a slowly fungal infection that can manifest over the months.
This illness also mainly occurs in immune compromised and diabetic person. This fungus is opaque to MRI examination. However, the disease may cause visible problems such as a deformity in the eye sockets of infected people.

C) Noninvasive Fungal Sinusitis

In this infection fungus does not invade tissue or bone; however, it colonizes the nasal passages and sinuses. Nasal polyps then growth. The formation of partially calcified masses may also take place that known as "fungus balls." This growth often leads to other parasitic infection followed by an acute sinusitis attack.
Funguses and many other micro-organisms cause a number of infectious and fatal human diseases. Modern researches by WHO World Health organization proved that these micro-organisms have a strange ability to resist different types of antibiotics and other medicines. Now you may be thinking what is alternative solution to get rid of these microbes? Hulda Clark Zapper by ParaZapper may be the best choice to kill all kinds of microbes from water based environment.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.
For more information please visit
ParaZapper products are available for research at

Ringworm in Humans & Adverse Reactions of Different Antibiotics

You may think that this is not a grave threat to acquire ringworm in your body. You think this because our world nowadays has developed various treatments in order to address the need to remedy different kinds of parasitic infections. But this is horrible to know that modern research by WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Center for Diseases Control and prevention) proved recently that many disease causing pathogens have an ability to strongly resist against different types of antibiotics and other treatments. Ringworms and many other microbes like parasites, viruses, fungus and bacteria cause a number of infectious as well as fatal diseases which every year deprives millions of people from their lives.
Ringworm of your body, which is scientifically called tinea corporis, can easily spread to other parts of your body. From a localized area, it could spread to the scalp, fingers, groin, limbs and other parts of   your body. This microbe and many others exist everywhere around you like on towels, clothes, bed sheets, in your kitchen, in offices, gyms, in playgrounds and even in hospitals where every day numbers of sprays sprinkled to kill these microbes.
 A minor infection caused by these tiny microbes may lead to many other serious complications when an infected person takes the infection too lightly and he does not take any step in order to kill theses microbe from the body or to stop the spread of infection. If an infected person will allow these microbes to spread without killing them, this will then lead to life-threatening systemic infection.
Other complications that may arise from ringworm infection are the adverse reactions and side effects that come from repeated use of fungicides and other antibiotics for fungal infections. As I already mentioned above that antibiotics are not a proper solution to kill these germs and excessive use of antibiotics a reason of parasitic growth in your body.
A parasitic infection may be systemic or localized (topical) in nature. Systemic antibiotics drugs are given to an infected person by mouth or injected through injections in order to treat the underlying parasitic infection. Parasitic infections anywhere on your skin are treated by using topical creams and ointments. If, however, parasitic topical creams and ointments do not show results in several days, then often a systemic are usually used.
But recent research by top medical institutes have been proved many side effects and adverse reactions by the continued use of antibiotics and other medications used to kill microbes.
 There are many allergic reactions have been reported with the use of Fluconazole, as well as some users complain of hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties and abdominal discomfort too. Furthermore has caused an anaphylactic reaction that is a life-threatening condition which is due to severe allergic reaction.
Now you will be worried about the matter that how to get rid of these fatal and infectious disease causing microbes.  A Hulda Clark Zapper device by ParaZapper may a best choice to kill all kinds of parasites, viruses, funguses and other microbes from water based environment.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit
ParaZapper products are available for research at